Concrete Retaining Wall Replacement at Queensland Water Police HQ, Main Beach

Concrete Retaining Wall Replacement at Queensland Water Police HQ, Main Beach

Client Challenge

The Queensland government tasked Australian Retaining Walls with replacing and upgrading a deteriorating timber retaining wall at the Queensland Water Police headquarters in Main Beach, Gold Coast. The project became particularly challenging when a nearby fire led to the partial evacuation of the area. Additionally, the sandy terrain of Main Beach required special consideration for the construction process.

Our Solution

Australian Retaining Walls proposed the use of Flush Face Garden Wall concrete link blocks for their durability and aesthetic appeal. Given the sandy soil conditions, it was determined that an excavator was unnecessary; instead, the footing could be efficiently dug by hand. The new wall was brought forward by 300mm to avoid disturbing the root-thick embankment, reducing preparation costs. Additionally, we lowered the height of the new retaining wall to 1 metre, eliminating the need for GCCC permission and engineer designs required for walls over 1 metre, further reducing costs.


The new concrete retaining wall was constructed efficiently and effectively, overcoming the site challenges and avoiding significant disruptions due to the nearby fire evacuation. The decision to move the wall forward and reduce its height resulted in cost savings and minimal disturbance to the existing landscape. The Queensland Water Police headquarters now features a robust and visually appealing retaining wall that enhances the property's functionality and appearance.

Project Highlights

This project at the Queensland Water Police headquarters in Main Beach, Gold Coast, showcased Australian Retaining Walls' ability to handle unique site challenges and deliver high-quality retaining wall solutions. Key highlights include:

  • Efficient hand excavation and strategic placement of the wall to avoid disturbing existing hedges.
  • Cost-effective construction by lowering the wall height to eliminate the need for additional permissions and designs.
  • Successful navigation of external challenges, such as nearby fire evacuation, without significant delays.

The project was completed to the satisfaction of the Queensland government, demonstrating our commitment to quality craftsmanship and efficient project management.

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Australian Retaining Walls

0414 321 307

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