Dual-Tier Windsor Concrete Block Wall Installation in Southport, Gold Coast

Dual-Tier Windsor Concrete Block Wall Installation in Southport, Gold Coast

Client Challenge

The property in Southport, Gold Coast, was faced with a severely compromised timber retaining wall, with the top tier almost entirely collapsed and the bottom tier barely intact. The challenge was to replace this failing structure in a limited space without damaging the surrounding printed concrete and maintaining accessibility.

Our Solution

Given the space constraints and the condition of the existing wall, a dual-tier Windsor concrete block wall was selected as the optimal solution. This approach allowed us to effectively retain the area without exceeding the one-metre height limit that triggers the need for council permission, thus keeping costs manageable. The demolition of the old wall and excavation for the new footings were carried out manually due to the restricted access and to protect the printed concrete.


The project involved constructing the lower tier directly on the printed concrete, using mortar for stability, followed by the upper tier on a concrete footing. Each tier was backfilled with 20mm gravel, and a 65mm drainage pipe was installed, with geotextile fabric to prevent soil contamination of the drainage system. The dual-tier structure not only stabilized the slope but also preserved the aesthetic and functional integrity of the property's landscape.

Project Highlights

This Southport, Gold Coast project demonstrates Australian Retaining Walls' capability to deliver tailored solutions in challenging conditions. The dual-tier Windsor concrete block wall is a testament to our innovative approach to retaining wall construction, ensuring durability and cost-efficiency while enhancing the property's safety and appearance. This successful installation showcases our expertise in navigating complex site conditions and client requirements to achieve optimal outcomes.

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Australian Retaining Walls

0414 321 307

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