Windsor Concrete Block Wall & Colorbond Fence Installation in Gold Coast

Windsor Concrete Block Wall & Colorbond Fence Installation in Gold Coast

Client Challenge:

The property owner was faced with an old timber retaining wall that was showing signs of significant wear and leaning, posing both a safety and aesthetic issue. Alongside this, the desire for a new Colorbond fence to be installed above the retaining wall added an extra layer of complexity to the project requirements.

Our Solution:

After careful consideration and consultation with the property owner, we decided that a Windsor concrete block wall would be the most suitable option for this Gold Coast property. This choice was driven by the system's cost-effectiveness and the clean, modern aesthetic it could provide. Once the decision was made, we meticulously planned and executed the construction of the Windsor concrete block retaining wall, ensuring it met all structural requirements and aesthetic expectations. Following the successful installation of the wall, we proceeded to construct the Colorbond fence atop the new structure, achieving a seamless integration between the two elements.


The transformation was remarkable, with the Windsor concrete block retaining wall providing a solid, termite-resistant foundation that completely eliminated the previous issues associated with the timber wall. The addition of the Colorbond fence introduced a contemporary and sleek finish to the property's boundary, enhancing both privacy and security. The property owner was left with a fresh and appealing side profile to their home, assured by our guarantee against rot and termite damage.

Project Highlights:

This project exemplifies our versatility in providing economical and aesthetically pleasing solutions like the Windsor concrete block retaining wall, coupled with the practicality and modern look of a Colorbond fence. Our ability to address structural issues with innovative solutions while enhancing the visual appeal of the property stands out as a key highlight. The owner's satisfaction with the durable, neat, and fresh finish along their property line reaffirms our commitment to delivering quality retaining wall solutions on the Gold Coast.

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Australian Retaining Walls

0414 321 307

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