Windsor Concrete Block Walls & Colorbond Fencing for Pool Installation in Gold Coast Home

Windsor Concrete Block Walls & Colorbond Fencing for Pool Installation in Gold Coast Home

Client Challenge:

The homeowners had a vision of transforming their front and back yards into a level, enclosed space suitable for leisure and entertainment. Their ambitious plan included erecting fencing, installing a pool, and using the fill to level the yard, all in preparation for the summer season.

Our Solution:

Australian Retaining Walls was entrusted with the construction of Windsor concrete block walls, selected for their durability and aesthetic appeal. Following the wall construction, we supplied and installed Colorbond fencing atop the masonry walls, ensuring a seamless and secure boundary that complemented the overall design. Our comprehensive approach addressed both the functional and aesthetic requirements of the project, laying a solid foundation for the upcoming pool installation.


The construction of the Windsor concrete block walls and the addition of Colorbond fencing dramatically transformed the outdoor space, creating a level and enclosed area that was both visually appealing and ready for the next phase of the homeowners' project. The anticipation of the pool installation for the summer added to the excitement, with the homeowners eager to enjoy their newly crafted outdoor oasis.

Project Highlights:

This project exemplifies the versatility and expertise of Australian Retaining Walls in the Gold Coast area, showcasing our ability to deliver comprehensive outdoor solutions that combine structural integrity with aesthetic appeal. The successful installation of Windsor concrete block walls and Colorbond fencing, in preparation for a pool installation, highlights our commitment to enhancing outdoor living spaces in line with our clients' visions.

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Australian Retaining Walls

0414 321 307

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