Retaining Wall Case Study: Tallebudgera Valley, Gold Coast Qld

Retaining Wall Case Study: Tallebudgera Valley, Gold Coast Qld

Client Challenge

The client in Tallebudgera Valley, Gold Coast, faced a significant land slip during severe storms, which compromised the stability of their pool area. The intense rainfall had already caused the loss of their pool decking and fence, raising concerns about further damage and the overall safety of their property. Given the urgency and the complexity of the situation, they sought our expertise in retaining wall construction to secure their pool area and prevent future landslips.

Our Solution

To address the client's concerns, we employed a robust solution using local quarried rock for armouring the slip zone. The project required approximately 160 tonnes of rock. We began by digging a stable pad for our excavators within the slip zone. Once the pad was secure, we systematically filled the area with stabilising rock armour, reinforced with geoextile fabric. This technique ensured that the fill material was both stable and durable, effectively preventing further erosion and instability. Our approach not only stabilised the immediate area but also reinforced the surrounding landscape, providing long-term protection against future weather events.


The project successfully stabilised the slip zone, securing the pool area and preventing any further damage. We also reinstated the surrounding landscape, including the reconstruction of the fence. Since the completion of the project, the repaired area has withstood multiple 1 in 100-year rain events, proving the resilience and effectiveness of our solution. The client was extremely satisfied with the prompt and professional service, expressing immense gratitude for the peace of mind that our work provided.

Project Highlights

  • Type of Retaining Wall: Rock Retaining Wall
  • Location: Tallebudgera Valley, Gold Coast, Qld
  • Materials Used: Local Quarried Rock, Geoextile Fabric
  • Construction Technique: Stabilising rock armour and geoextile fabric
  • Unique Feature: The repaired slip has endured several extreme weather events, demonstrating the durability of our construction.
  • Project Duration: Two Weeks
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