Durable Pine Log Wall Replacement for Waterfront Unit Complex in Gold Coast

Durable Pine Log Wall Replacement for Waterfront Unit Complex in Gold Coast

Client Challenge

The body corporate of a waterfront unit complex in Gold Coast was faced with the task of replacing old and failing timber sleeper walls. The primary concerns for the complex were durability and cost-effectiveness. Given the wall's extensive use and exposure to environmental elements, finding a robust solution that would also be economically viable was crucial.

Our Solution

After thorough discussions with the unit owners, C.C.A. H5 treated pine log walls were chosen as the best solution to meet the needs of the complex. These walls are known for their longevity and resistance to decay, making them ideal for the demanding coastal environment. Australian Retaining Walls was responsible for the replacement, and our engineering associate provided all necessary designs and compliance forms to ensure the project met all regulatory standards.


The new retaining wall spans approximately 70 metres in length and reaches up to 1.5 metres in height, covering a total area of about 100 square metres. The C.C.A. H5 treated pine log walls are expected to last significantly longer than the previous sleeper walls, providing enhanced stability and durability. This installation marks the third iteration of the wall construction at this location, each time improving upon the materials and techniques used.

Project Highlights

This project highlights Australian Retaining Walls' expertise in delivering large-scale retaining solutions that are both cost-effective and durable. The pine log walls installed at the waterfront unit complex are designed to withstand harsh conditions and provide lasting support. The project showcases our ability to work closely with multiple stakeholders, including body corporate representatives and unit owners, to achieve a result that satisfies both practical and financial requirements. The transformation from the old failing walls to the new robust system illustrates our commitment to enhancing property safety and aesthetics through strategic retaining wall solutions.

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Australian Retaining Walls

0414 321 307

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